Primary PE and School Sports Funding


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What the PE and Sports Funding Grant is: 

Since 2013 the government has provided £150 million of funding for primary schools across the country to spend on Physical Education and sport (this is known as a sport premium) and is calculated according to the number of pupils in years 1-6.  The purpose of the funding is to support schools to develop and improve the sport being offered across the curriculum and to aid all pupils to cultivate healthy lifestyles.

Impact of the grant:

  1.  As with all areas of the school, the impact of our spending is closely monitored. The sports funding at St Martin’s Garden Primary School has: 
  2. Ensured that the teachers have increased confidence teaching sports skills and PE
  3. Given the children the opportunity to participate in inter-school competitions
  4. Enabled us to develop and improve PE and Sports provision
  5. Helped us increase the amount of daily physical activity of all children within school hours.

Impact of funding on pupils’ participation and attainment

 The year on year continued up-skilling of teachers has had a positive impact on the quality of lessons being taught.  The professional coaches are well positioned to stretch the more able children and cater for those less able or with needs that prevent them from being able to achieve to the same extent as the rest of the class. With better understanding has come higher expectations and therefore higher achievement.

As is important with sport, we have gained in creating an atmosphere of safe competition and the collaboration with other close-by schools, which allows many children to experience this as part of the curriculum but also when representing the school.

The funding has helped to make PE and sport part of the fabric of our school, which in turn has encouraged more children to be involved in a wider variety of sports. Sporting activities are enjoyed by all children from the ages of 4 to 11, both within and outside of the curriculum requirements.


 Thanks to the on-going connections with other schools within B&NES and the Palladian Academy Trust, and the support of external providers, the teachers are continuing to learn and progress their knowledge of teaching sport and PE to a high level.


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